
Modern Martial Arts & Complete Self Defence

Enjoy Building Your Skills & Confidence in a Friendly, Focused Environment.


Modern Martial Arts & Complete Self Defence

Enjoy Building Your Skills & Confidence in a Friendly, Focused Environment.

Private Martial Arts Training in Armidale


Enjoy Learning Martial Arts With The Proven Effectiveness of Private & Semi-Private Training Sessions.

Build Your Self Defence Confidence With Moves That Work In The Modern World.

Train at a Time that Fits your lifestyle with your own instructor helping you Quickly develop your skills.


Start building your Martial Arts and Self Defence Skills today!

Try Out a Private Martial Arts Session For 50% Off - That’s Only $44

Begin Your Martial Arts Journey

Enjoy a fun, friendly environment and discover the modern approach to martial arts, self defence and fitness.

Begin Your Martial Arts Journey

Enjoy a fun, friendly environment and discover the modern approach to martial arts, self defence and fitness.

Developing your martial arts skills and knowledge is a great way to boost your fitness, build confidence and focus, and be able to handle whatever challenges life may throw at you. It also makes for a fun and fascinating journey! At Black Cockatoo, you can enjoy one or both of our key programs - Strixe Self Defence & Brazlian Jiu Jitsu. In both programs you will…


Enjoy Discovering Modern Martial Arts

Develop solid martial arts and self defence skills in as little as an hour per week, with the personal focus of one-to-one or three-to-one sessions.  Train at a time that fits with your schedule and progress quickly towards the goals that matter to you, in a fun, friendly environment.


Develop Confidence in Your Self Defence Skills

Build self defence and martial arts skills that work in the real world.  Focus your sessions on mastering the martial arts system you enjoy the most, or grow your skills in multiple systems at the same time.  Enjoy a clear system of progression and recognition.

Build Strength in Body and Mind

Enjoy sessions that actively engage the mind, as well as the body, giving you motivation to train and the confidence to protect yourself and your loved ones.  Develop the focus and self awareness that will give you the edge in self defence and everyday life.


Your Choice of Programs…

The Strixe Self Defence System

Black Cockatoo Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

How to Defend Yourself

How to Defend Yourself

Having the knowledge and confidence to protect both yourself and your loved ones is an important life skill to have. Both our key programs - The Strixe Self Defence System & Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - provide real world, modern self defence skills.

These skills are designed to be effective with the minimum effort possible whilst still being able to deal with a larger, stronger opponent.

Sessions go at the pace that’s right for you, so you’ll be able to get the experience and confidence you need to apply your skills. Plus, you’ll get to learn within a fun, supportive environment where you can ask questions whenever you like and know you’re on the right path.

While we seek to never have to use our physical skills in everyday life, having the confidence that we can look after ourselves gives us the ability to handle whatever life may throw at us.

Personalised Training & Focus

Personalised Training & Focus

At Black Cockatoo Martial Arts & Coaching, we specialise in Private (One-to-One) and Semi-Private (Two-to-One or Three-to-One) Training Sessions. This lets you train at the pace that’s right for you with your own Martial Arts Instructor helping you develop your skills quickly and effectively. Ask questions whenever you want and get recognised for your progress with a clear and achievable grading system.

Your martial arts journey will begin with a Private Martial Arts Session to introduce you to the fundamentals of martial arts and self defence. Once you have a good grasp of the fundamentals, you can move to the Semi-Private Sessions we offer throughout the week, stay with one-to-one sessions, or a combination of both.

Semi-Private (Two/Three-to-One) Sessions

  • Explore Strixe or BJJ in a fun, friendly atmosphere.

  • Train with like-minded partners.

  • Get personal instruction every session.

  • Build your experience with different skill levels.

  • Learn from the successes and mistakes of others.

Private (One-to-One) Sessions

  • Quickly develop your martial arts skills.

  • Enjoy a friendly, supportive environment.

  • Get the personal attention of your own instructor.

  • Train at the pace that’s right for you.

  • A personalised approach to learning and training.

Black Cockatoo Martial Arts Sessions run for approx. 60min.

Every journey starts out with a one-to-one Private Session.

To try one out for 50% off - that’s only $44, use the form below.



See what our clients have to say about Black Cockatoo Martial Arts & Coach Tim Jones...


See what our clients have to say about Black Cockatoo Martial Arts & Coach Tim Jones...

This is a great system for self defense, delivered by the fantastic Tim Jones. After every session I have left behind a tonne of sweat from a great workout and gained knowledge and confidence. I highly recommend Black Cockatoo Martial Arts and Tim to anyone of any age looking too improve fitness and learn a functional martial art.
— Aaron, Training for 8 Years
I love the supportive and safe environment at Black Cockatoo with no compromise on skill. There is an excellent focus on technique and sustainable training, with a supportive group of team mates. I’ve trained at various gyms since 2009 and the BJJ at Black Cockatoo with Tim and the attention to detail is brilliant.
— Sarah, Training for 5 Years
I’ve been training with Tim for 5 years and never looked back. Tim creates a safe environment and gives you all the tools you need to learn and practice martial arts, but more importantly, have fun doing it.
— Nat, Training for 5 Years
I started training six months ago as an alternative to the gym (I hate gyms). In those six months, not only have I become a lot fitter and stronger but I’ve also learnt a useful, confidence building martial art that is completely ego free. The way Tim approaches teaching and training is a huge draw card - he’s a friendly, good natured guy who just wants to help you achieve your goals, not prove how tough he is.
— Michael, Training for 2 Years
An excellent environment to train martial arts! A variety of options are available for my busy schedule, and it’s a safe and supportive environment.
— Hamish, Training for 8 Years
I tried a number of boxing and martial arts clubs but none of them seemed right for me until I joined Black Cockatoo. It has provided me not only with self defense skills but with core fitness and motivation for training. Tim creates a fun environment to train in and caters for all abilities so I have never felt under pressure, making it a great place to learn and achieve.
— Kelly, Training for 4 Years
The Private Sessions are fantastic! They fit around my busy work and social life, and are a great, practical way to learn a martial art that can be tailored to your specific needs and lifestyle.
— Craig, Training for 2 Years
Tim is an excellent coach and I always learn so much at training. As a long time client, I have learned to do things both physically and mentally that I would have previously only dreamed of. A great environment to train in!
— Rachel, Training for 9 Years
With renewed interest in my personal fitness, I wanted to test my strengths and ability but not with a conventional work out. With the Private Sessions I was able to work around my lifestyle and the training was adjusted to what I wanted to do. Overall it’s been brilliant! I have gained loads of confidence and mental strength, and found the sessions very enjoyable.
— Stephen, Training for 3 Years
I have been delighted with the results. I’m physically and visibly fitter, more self confident and get to have loads of fun every week.
— Darren, Training for 3 Years

Start Building Your Martial Arts & Self Defense Skills Today

Try Out A Private Martial Arts Session For 50% Off - That’s Only $44

Fill In The Form Below To Get Started... 
