Discover the martial art that took the world by storm in a clear, systematic way with the personal attention and support of your own instructor helping you each step of your journey.

Black Cockatoo Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

- Discover the fascinating art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

- Learn to defend yourself and your loved ones.

- Build your skills in a clear, systematic way.

- Get personal attention and assistance each step of the way.

- Train at the pace and energy that’s right for you.


From its ancient origins in Japan to its more recent incarnation in Brazil, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) seeks to employ techniques that let you succeed against a bigger, stronger opponent. It does this through the intelligent use of grappling principles around leverage, balance, and the efficient use of energy.

At Black Cockatoo Martial Arts, you will learn BJJ as it was originally intended - to help you survive and succeed in situations where you need to defend yourself and your loved ones. In addition, you will get to enjoy the latest innovations and discoveries that make BJJ such a fascinating art to learn and explore.

Excellent focus on technique and sustainable training, with a supportive group of team mates. I’ve trained at various gyms since 2009 and the BJJ at Black Cockatoo, and the attention to detail, is brilliant!
— Sarah, Training for 5 Years

As your knowledge and skills grow, you will move from knowing how to throw an opponent, control them, and get home safe to being able, to applying joint locks, chokes, and restraints to overcome an opponent with the minimal use of energy and force. Along the way, you will be recognised for your progress through the use of the BJJ Belt System, a series of belts and grades recognised around the world.

... not only have I become a lot fitter and stronger but I’ve learnt a useful, confidence building martial art that is completely ego free
— Michael, Training for 2 Years

Training at Black Cockatoo Martial Arts starts with trying out a Private Session to see if we’re a good fit for you and your goals. Here, you will learn practical techniques from day one, helping you in the event of a self defence situation, as well as providing the foundation for your further BJJ journey. Once you have a good understanding of the fundamentals, you can continue to enjoy the one-to-one coaching of Private Sessions or move to Semi-Private Sessions where you will learn BJJ along with one to three other clients also on their own BJJ journey.

An excellent place to train martial arts! A variety of options are available for my busy schedule, and it’s a safe and supportive environment.
— Hamish, Training for 8 Years

Black Cockatoo Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Sessions run for approx. 60min.

Every journey starts out with a one-to-one Private Session.

To try one out for 50% off - that’s only $44 - use the form below.
